View Full Version : Goal Manager Online - Earn Money by Playing Football Manager

09-30-2017, 01:00 AM

Goal Manager Online is a NEW free soccer manager game online in where you can change your virtual money that you win into REAL MONEY.

It's a fresh new game with only +/- 650 users registered.

Personally I think the game is attractive so I'll just share with you guys!!

What Must you do?
Manage your team,
Pick the best players,
Start by increase the stadium seats to earn more points per game,
Sell the worst players (that not fit in your tactics squad),
Find new talents and bargains at low price,
Win games,
Trade Points per Euros or Dollars as you which!

The minimum amount to withdraw is u$s20, at the time of withdrawal will be charged a fee of 10% per commission and will go directly to a found to collect more money for the division prizes.

u$s1,00 = 40.000 Coins

REGISTER (ref-link) - Bitly (http://bit.ly/GoalManagerOnline)

REGISTER (non-ref link) - Bitly (http://bit.ly/2kf1QAG)

PS: I tried to find a payment proof but I can't probably because the site is too new. If someone has find one or receive one reply to this thread please.

09-30-2017, 04:53 AM
A great way for the football fans to earn some money, but is it like betting on a team to win and get virtual money or is it something different? And, I am guessing the payment's in BTC.

Anyways good find, dude.

09-30-2017, 09:47 AM
freemind7 Endless thanks should go to You Keep on !

09-30-2017, 12:37 PM
its a great idea to earn for the football fans ... thank for sharing !

09-30-2017, 05:26 PM

If you'd like some tips pm me

09-30-2017, 10:22 PM
Hi freemind check the links they are leading to another website. :smile:

10-01-2017, 01:19 AM
Hi freemind check the links they are leading to another website. :smile:

Thanks Pikach. I copy paste bit.ly links that I had made before and got mistake on publish tem.

Links UPDATED!!!