View Full Version : A List of Recent Scam PTC Sites

09-24-2014, 10:59 PM
These sites are scams, either no longer paying or owned by admins responsible for previous scam sites

Bux99.com – A ghost site, didn’t sent out a single payment, forum is full of spam, there is no word from the admin.

Buxwon.com – Same owner of closed scam sites Tapbux.com and Wattbux.com

Clixarea.com – No new payments since September 5, the forum has been removed.

Clixnation.com – No longer paying, latest payments are from August 9.

Globalbux.net – No longer paying, latest payments made on July 31, forum has been removed.

Goalclix.com – Suspending users after requesting cashout, have the same owner of a closed scam site Clickprofitbux.com

Grandclix.net and Bitcoin-bux.com – Owned by Andrei Dumitrache, a serial scammer who is responsible for a lot of other scam sites, including Ojooclix.com, Lexbux.com, Red-alertbux.com, Nodbux.com, Zonclix.com, Fuseclix.com, Zapclik.com, Ptc-advertisements.com, Clixbanner.com, Hitzbux.com, Protectbux.com, Increaseearning20.com, Intbux.com.

Jerryads.com – No payments since July 19, forum full of spam, obviously the site is abandoned.

PremiumKat.com – No longer paying, latest payments from August 18, payments methods removed – not possible to request payment.

Judoclix.com – No longer paying, marking payments sent, suspending users when requesting cashout, have the same owner of closed scam site bigstarclix.com

Karateclix.com – Same owner of Judoclix, same issue here, no longer paying

Paymbux.com – Owned by scammer, responsible for other scams like Eprofitbux.com, Erabux.com, Esvbux.com, Solutionbux.com, Nsebux and many other sites.

Regalclix.com – No longer paying, marking payments completing without actually sending out payments, the forum has been removed.

Sharkclixx.com – Not paying since June 24, withdrawal options have been removed, the admin is inactive on the forum, another ghost site.

Zemclix.com – Connected to recently closed scam site Fabclix.com, owned by the same admin

link A List of Recent Scam PTC Sites (http://ptccentral.com/short-list-of-scam-ptc-sites/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ptccentral+%28PTC+Central%29)

09-24-2014, 11:24 PM
what !! globalbux turned to a scam :poker-face: .. what a shame .. thanks for the info medsamy

09-25-2014, 06:03 AM
Is useless damn all this scammers makes jokes with other people money. medsamy Nice share!

09-25-2014, 11:07 AM
thanks for the info, buddy

11-22-2014, 12:52 AM
I dont understand why they scam. if they get money to pay out, they must be making money. Wheres the logic behind this?!

12-03-2014, 03:45 PM
I dont understand why they scam. if they get money to pay out, they must be making money. Wheres the logic behind this?!

most ptc are based on unsustainable economic model. So, it's the logic.

12-03-2014, 03:50 PM
nice info mate
thanks :D

03-12-2015, 04:53 AM
What about PTCStair and Buxbery ? a lot of member complaints and those site not paying since march 8

03-12-2015, 05:06 AM
Thanks for the list