View Full Version : Earn money automaticly!

05-20-2016, 07:40 PM
Hi to everyone! :smile:

Today im glad to present to you a new website... but not a simple website! In this website you may make posts and earn a lot of clicks on your ads!

The website functions are very simples...

* Sign up with your email
* Make click on the diferent website ads (The ads are in the front page, Sidebar, posts, etc...)

* When u reach 50 points (1 click = 1 point) you can make a post and send it, when an admin check it he will make publish your post and thats it! You will earn clicks from the other members!

* We are constantly check points users so, if we know some member try to cheat us he will be banned!

* In the post that you make, you can put at 1 ads on it ;)


*One post will cost you 50 points and when an admin make it public, you will lose that 50 points.

*You can make only 1 or 2 clicks per 24 hours (In the same ads, more clicks = bann)

*If you try to cheat us, you'll get a permanet ban and your points will desapear.

*1 IP/ACC, you can only create one account per IP.

Other Stuff:

*U can send TE traffic to your ads to don't get banned from the ads company (For the high number of clicks)... U can send every visit that u want.

*In the website, you can follow others members, chat with they, send private messages and more!

Any question, please send me a PM and i'll asnwer you as fast i can.




Constantly we are working on the website for you and our good :)

Because we are more than 20 members in the system, we have a new promotion for you!

Just sign up and send me a PM with your email or username and GET 25 POINTS FOR FREE! You just need earn another 25 points to make your own post and earn money$$$!

Let's make money!

05-20-2016, 08:10 PM
Moved to Free Advertising

05-21-2016, 02:43 AM
What kind of post can i publish??

05-21-2016, 06:14 AM
Because we are more than 20 members in the system, we have a new promotion for you!

01-11-2019, 10:22 AM
website not working.

He Is
01-26-2019, 10:03 AM
so are you still working with this method guys without any problems with adssence??