View Full Version : 2$ a day articles4daily

10-31-2015, 09:22 PM
hello guys, i will share my method to get 2$ a day from articles4daily
first you need sign up ,
sign up here if you haven't , u will get 1$ : JOIN HERE (http://www.articles4read.com/user/regedit.php?ref_id=66794)
payment via : paypal , payza ,webmoney

method :
this is my method for make 2$ a day with this site
first make a dummy facebook account .
and then on ARTICLESDAILY site click on "share articles" choose hot one :smile:
copy the link and then make it small with short url like goo.gl bit.ly anything !
then share the link with hot words like " girl get raped in the pool " or anything like that:D
share the link in xxx pages and groups ,

proof : Attention Required! | CloudFlare (http://prntscr.com/8o9aeo)
2nd proof : Attention Required! | CloudFlare (http://prntscr.com/8pecct)
3rd(10-10-15):Attention Required! | CloudFlare (http://prntscr.com/8q0z15)