View Full Version : [Unibot] Facuet Bot with Solve Media

10-18-2015, 04:25 AM
Hi Guys,

As Many Site has Protection so People weren't finding Unibot a Success as it can't solve Solve Media Captcha's.
But Thanks to MikiSoft and Great Thanks to Chillivanilli.

Now Unibot can also Get Solve Media Captcha'. Also UniBot is able to use GSA Captcha Solver as well as 2Captcha Solving Service (in Progress)


Here is Config for a Simple Faucet Site i.e Sunbitcoin...
To Make Solve Media Work you have to download Latest Version of Plugins i.e SimpleCaptcha and GSA Catpcha. [You Can Find Here (http://unibot.boards.net/board/7/plugins)]

Just Copy the Code in Notepad and Save as SolveMedia.ini and run it Via UniBot

;UniBot configuration file

strings=0,1,0,0:"sid1","'http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/_challenge.js?k='+rg('[src]','challenge\.script\?k=(.*?)""','$1')";1,1,0,0:"usr","[inp]";0,1,0,0:"ua","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.85 Safari/537.36";0,0,0,1:"site","'[nl]'+rg('[src]','title>(.*?)</','$1')"

strings=0,1,0,0:"chid1","rg('[src]','""chid"" : ""(.*?)""','$1')";0,1,0,0:"sscn1","rg('[src]','_sscn_a=(.*?);')+' '+rg('[src]','_sscn_b=(.*?);')+' '+rg('[src]','_ssts_lr=(.*?);')";0,1,0,0:"cid1","'http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/media?c='+%chid1%"

strings=0,1,0,0:"cap1","rpl(captcha(%cid1%,%ua%,%sscn1%,20),' ','+')"

strings=0,0,0,1:"msg","'[nl]'+rg('[src]','class=""col-sm-8 col-md-offset-2 alert alert-success""><p>(.*?)</','$1')"

If you get any error or Problem regarding this Config or any config your Making Tag MikiSoft or Me for help.

10-21-2015, 02:54 PM
hey man please pm me

10-22-2015, 09:10 AM
hi...code pls

10-22-2015, 09:16 AM
hi...code pls

What code ? .

10-22-2015, 02:40 PM
ILYA27863 lordestxp next time please tag me to let me know quickly ..
Also I edited Post. Reason I removed it as it wasn't getting Media Error but now it is working fine.

10-23-2015, 01:53 AM
i dont understand how it works ... i got unibot, dlls, and that ini, i got the page opened and now? :x

10-23-2015, 02:33 AM
i dont understand how it works ... i got unibot, dlls, and that ini, i got the page opened and now? :x

You Got Bot zip (having Bot exe and Plugins and Random Config) + Copied Above config in notepad Saving it as xyz.ini

Now Just
1. Run the UniBot.exe
2. GoTo File Tab --> then Load the Saved Config (xyz.ini).
3. GoTo Advance --> Plugins --> Load Simple Captcha Plugin v1.1 (You Can Check on Small box saying Load on Startup) http://prntscr.com/8uaejc/dierct
4. Just Press Start.

10-23-2015, 11:03 AM
You Got Bot zip (having Bot exe and Plugins and Random Config) + Copied Above config in notepad Saving it as xyz.ini

Now Just
1. Run the UniBot.exe
2. GoTo File Tab --> then Load the Saved Config (xyz.ini).
3. GoTo Advance --> Plugins --> Load Simple Captcha Plugin v1.1 (You Can Check on Small box saying Load on Startup) http://prntscr.com/8uaejc/dierct
4. Just Press Start.

got always the same :/

Attention Required! | CloudFlare (http://prntscr.com/8udpcx)

i think some info is missing .. (sry i went out for near 10 month)

10-23-2015, 03:13 PM
Ussagui: The config is using GSA Captcha Breaker not Simple Captcha plugin, so if you don't want to download GSA and configure it but you want to simply enter captcha manually, find in the config cap1 string on 3rd index and just replace there gsa with captcha command, and then it will work with the plugin which dbzdivik is talking about.

10-23-2015, 03:21 PM
got always the same :/

Attention Required! | CloudFlare (http://prntscr.com/8udpcx)

i think some info is missing .. (sry i went out for near 10 month)

Dude Please Check the Code which i wrote and your Having.....

Its no error it is only that GSA captcha solver is used replace gsa with captcha on 3rd index.

strings=0,1,0,0:"cap1","rpl(captcha(%cid1%,%ua%,%sscn1%,20),' ','+')"

11-05-2015, 05:19 AM
how to use this I do not understand

11-06-2015, 06:28 AM
how to use this I do not understand

It is a simple http bot you just have to save code given in opening post as .ini file and Open unibot--> Load saved config and just hit start it will ask you to fill your user email and after that captcha.

11-12-2015, 01:03 PM
MikiSoft How to load recaptcha type captcha....plz help me.

11-13-2015, 05:28 PM
manhocker: I haven't tried that because it would be really hard to do it, and unfortunately I don't have that much time.

11-18-2015, 08:07 AM
I don't get the option to enter my email. what am i doing wrong?

11-18-2015, 10:19 AM
I don't get the option to enter my email. what am i doing wrong?

you should get option for filling email id on start. can you be more precise about your error or screen would be great

11-28-2015, 03:20 PM
Hi my captcha img is incorrect


11-28-2015, 05:18 PM
martin0409: If you request many times on Solve Media for a simple static image captcha you'll get different than it, so that's the reason why it displays the error. You should wait for some time to revert to the default, or use a proxy.

01-13-2016, 09:00 AM
Thanks very informative.