View Full Version : War of clicks bot too

09-14-2015, 09:42 AM
War of clicks

As many of you know warofclicks is a ptcgame with a good captcha system easy for us to solve.So I found a little but effective sites for bots of ptcs and I am sharing it with you.

First Register on ptc

I bought VIP on clickers info so i can create unlimited keys without waiting.Admin said that it going to be moved to vip section soon
So if you become my ref I will help you.

No ref link

War Of Clicks: Revolution in Online Advertising (http://www.warofclicks.com/en-gm/Home/)

So the bot is Multiclicker - some may know this lazy but still it is a effective method

download multicker here


download latest

So there are plugins and keys in bot
Download Woc plugin here

Basically you get plugin you enter login and other data and then you need to enter serial key each serial key is different for every site and is made with your username

To get key you can become my ref and let me know (I can help you)
or you can go register to clickers.info (https://www.google.co.in/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAAahUKEwiR2sOVmvbHAhWDBI4KHZgWD18&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.clickers.info%2F&usg=AFQjCNEbpNhaWQn9_8hGNs0hL8xiVu08Yghttp://)
visit through this link its google search link otherwise if you go directly they keep redirecting you to some site (their anti-spam method).

Even chillivanilli has angeclub bot but why to pay when you have a 100% free effective bot at multiclickers

Payment proof not mine but woc is trusted i am close to payout 1.74$ current and 3 active rented refs.Going to withdraw soon this week
Didn't knew that chillivanillis bot was free in angeclub I thought it was 2or3 angecoin

Accepted that chillivanillis bot is still better but for newbies who don't want to buy angeclub(or don't have money) can still use this plugin.Maybe i'll learn some delphi and make my own bot for sites like this and share it in the summer.

09-14-2015, 12:41 PM
Chillivanilli is offering a free version too , you know that....and the one in the AngeClub is not "for sale" , the subscription is for supporting the forum , otherwise he may sell it for a higher price for all the effort he put on it

09-14-2015, 01:56 PM
Even chillivanilli has angeclub bot but why to pay when you have a 100% free effective bot at multiclickers

Why pay?

You need to start my bot once and then can leave it alone day and night
You can use it on almost every OS, even a cheap linux vps
v3 of my bot (not available yet) automaticly rents refs
My bot has a few settings which makes it less detectable
I dont know about this plugin, but my bot solves captchas automaticly


But this plugin with a serial from you seems a good and free alternative for the people

09-14-2015, 03:17 PM
Why pay?

You need to start my bot once and then can leave it alone day and night
You can use it on almost every OS, even a cheap linux vps
v3 of my bot (not available yet) automaticly rents refs
My bot has a few settings which makes it less detectable
I dont know about this plugin, but my bot solves captchas automaticly


But this plugin with a serial from you seems a good and free alternative for the people

Am I missing something ? Don't you have a public WOC version too

09-14-2015, 03:18 PM
Am I missing something ? Don't you have a public WOC version too

Its outdated, dont work with captchas they have now,

09-14-2015, 10:08 PM
Am I missing something ? Don't you have a public WOC version too

I had a public version and the AngeClub version, but WarOfClicks knew the public version and patched it everytime i updated it. Then i only updated the AngeClub version frequently, so the WarOfClicks team could not get it that easily.
Basicly when they decided to add captchas i made the public version private for AngeClub members only.

09-15-2015, 03:47 AM
concerning this version of multiclicker. It is very good, because it supports infinite number of PTC, just VIP user requires a cost of $ 5 per month to generate the serial key.

This user provides the serial key to be your referral, as many people do.

I have had contact with the developer of the MC2, and is a wonderful work he does, the problem with WOC, is that for a long time leave unanswered the captcha, or wrong several times, you get a ban on withdrawal. after that you have to contact the support and examine your account for 30 days.

Chillivanilli to date there are several forums that are making the bot to WOC, for free, so you must continue to do their wonderful work for AngeClub members only, so the forum would grow a little more.

WOC now get more people as it has the processor Neteller.


09-15-2015, 11:51 AM
I had a public version and the AngeClub version, but WarOfClicks knew the public version and patched it everytime i updated it. Then i only updated the AngeClub version frequently, so the WarOfClicks team could not get it that easily.
Basicly when they decided to add captchas i made the public version private for AngeClub members only.

didnt know that you updated woc bot ? is it in auto mode now, dont we need to enter captch manually?

09-15-2015, 12:15 PM
didnt know that you updated woc bot ? is it in auto mode now, dont we need to enter captch manually?

Still hasnt upgradet it, soon

09-15-2015, 12:58 PM
didnt know that you updated woc bot ? is it in auto mode now, dont we need to enter captch manually?

I think from the 1st or 2nd update after i made it private it had auto captcha solving.
But enough now, we dont want to spam xwang 's thread anymore.

09-15-2015, 04:21 PM
I think from the 1st or 2nd update after i made it private it had auto captcha solving.
But enough now, we dont want to spam xwang 's thread anymore.

Just want to confirm that your bot has automated captcha solving then I'm planning to buy.

Dosen't matter if you spam my thread considering very few replies to them.

09-15-2015, 05:26 PM
Just want to confirm that your bot has automated captcha solving then I'm planning to buy.

Dosen't matter if you spam my thread considering very few replies to them.

Yes it has automatic captcha solving. But right now no bot in AngeClub works because my auth system was down for a few weeks.
It's working since today, but i need to update all bots to the new auth system first, so they work again, so i would wait a few days before buying AngeClub.