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08-07-2014, 02:32 AM
Hi everyone! my name is Anthony, im a little faggot (imao).
I like leaking ebooks from hackforums, and practise with my programmers skills, i make the possible to contribute to the forum, to help each other with methods to make money.
See all you soon :)

08-07-2014, 07:39 AM
cool. let's wait what you gonna leak :)

08-07-2014, 10:38 AM
Welcome aboard, try to share your own ideas, this is what A2S is for, you share your ideas and we develop them to make them work, also I don't like the idea of leaking, every author need recognition, unless it's a shitty ebook which doesn't worth buying it

08-07-2014, 11:35 AM
Welcome aboard, try to share your own ideas, this is what A2S is for, you share your ideas and we develop them to make them work, also I don't like the idea of leaking, every author need recognition, unless it's a shitty ebook which doesn't worth buying it

he means, you need to not only just leaking the ebooks, but reading them, making sure they work, and then rewrite using your own idea. Horizon
it's a better idea rather than copycat right?

08-07-2014, 11:44 AM
Yes you are totally right! i will try them before posting here thanks for the tips

08-07-2014, 01:22 PM
Welcome to our family. ....

08-07-2014, 04:34 PM
Hi Horizon !! Welcome aboard :)