View Full Version : How i am currently earning 100+ a month 3 methods in 1!
04-02-2015, 09:24 PM
Hey A2S,
So iv decided to enhance my eBook writing skills.
So naturally.
I wrote a Free eBook! ha ha.
And plan to release a new method at least once a week!
Anyway, this method does require an investment to earn the advertised method BUT CAN BE DONE COMPLETELY FREE!
This investment is one time! After that, Your earnings will take care of it!
The investment is about 50$ for everything! BUT 2 out of the three methods can be used alone. the third method combines the first two.
These methods do not contain E-whoring, cpa, ppi, ppd, leads dependency, or even that much work.
what it does contain/require:
Computer must run 24/7 ALL VPS users must vpn the vps back to their home connection other wise they will be banned!
1 bot <-- supplied in the eBook
DBC account (part of the investment)
You to check your computer every now and then. 2-5 hours
15 minutes of work max! (after set up)
30 minute set up max!
Download link:
A2S.rar (
I am in the middle of writing a follow up eBook to this method (working out the kinks right now).
This should earn at least an extra 50$ a month but i haven't finished my month off yet.
This second Ebook will contain at least two methods (what i have so far, may add another or create another eBook undecided). I will comment a link when it is ready! e5c9b60c302f7b/analysis/1428012264/
04-02-2015, 09:41 PM
please add a virus total scan result
04-02-2015, 09:43 PM
Thanks, already see this method before.
Your download link make me sick :spook:
04-02-2015, 10:05 PM
please add a virus total scan result e5c9b60c302f7b/analysis/1428012264/
04-02-2015, 10:16 PM
I can't download a2s.rar . When i try, start downloading a2s.exe
04-02-2015, 11:16 PM
dont get this method xD
04-02-2015, 11:24 PM
There is a trafficsia guide/method already in this forum and can you proof us your paidverts earnings?
04-02-2015, 11:29 PM
There is a trafficsia guide/method already in this forum and can you proof us your paidverts earnings?
yes there is already a trafficsia guide, that's why this is not a paid for eBook, also if you read the thread, i am posting this to enhance my eBook writing skills, i am looking for reviews on how the eBook was put together not really on the content. thanks for the interest anyway.
As for my paid-verts earnings, i currently just reinvest in the website to generate revenue inside and out of it, this will be part of the next method i will be releasing. And will have paid proofs in the guide.
04-02-2015, 11:33 PM
i fixed this. messed up the link my bad.
04-03-2015, 03:55 AM
that's actually a good ebook taylora :prettiness:
04-03-2015, 04:50 AM
that's actually a good ebook taylora :prettiness:
Thanks so much for the feed back! means alot!
04-03-2015, 07:31 AM
Thanks so much for the feed back! means alot!
Is very nice, even tho the site was already mentioned before :cool:
04-03-2015, 08:53 AM
Paidverts will have have a swap this week and all your points will change into MTV Shares. But After that PV will boom IMO. Im in with $1.700 in PV/MTV
04-03-2015, 09:20 AM
Hmm .. in the ebook is nothing new and just basic stuff spread on internet fast on all websites about online earning
but its simply and easy to follow (IF somebody dont know that)
If you want to share then some ebook in Ange club then 1) Add more precise steps (Pictures, how to etc.)
2) DONT use these PPD like shits websites they are useless and many users dont know how to download from them use mediafire or zippy share
3) Dont write about publick know stuff OR if you write about public know stuff add there something only you know or its an expoit or so taylora
04-03-2015, 01:42 PM
Hmm .. in the ebook is nothing new and just basic stuff spread on internet fast on all websites about online earning
but its simply and easy to follow (IF somebody dont know that)
If you want to share then some ebook in Ange club then 1) Add more precise steps (Pictures, how to etc.)
2) DONT use these PPD like shits websites they are useless and many users dont know how to download from them use mediafire or zippy share
3) Dont write about publick know stuff OR if you write about public know stuff add there something only you know or its an expoit or so taylora
thanks for your feed back much appreciated, i know these are common methods, not sure if iv ever seen anyone use them how i do.
the main point of this eBook and the future ones are to improve my ebook skills before i do start to attempt to see them or release my other methods.
also i use this PPD specifically because it tends to be easy to navigate. and well it generates revenue from nothing really. if it was a paid eBook in the angle section i would have it via media fire.
04-03-2015, 03:06 PM
Hmm .. in the ebook is nothing new and just basic stuff spread on internet fast on all websites about online earning
but its simply and easy to follow (IF somebody dont know that)
If you want to share then some ebook in Ange club then 1) Add more precise steps (Pictures, how to etc.)
2) DONT use these PPD like shits websites they are useless and many users dont know how to download from them use mediafire or zippy share
3) Dont write about publick know stuff OR if you write about public know stuff add there something only you know or its an expoit or so taylora
Actually you can write a public method BUT it need to be on your own words and step by step , and the important thing is that you have to show that you're earning or benefiting from it . For example I saw a method on a website about selling products on eBay , you can write the same method but with your own screenshots and also your own payment proofs , some will say why do I have to spend my coins on a method that I already know , the answer is that you don't have to , when reading the eBook description you will know if the author did add some unique tricks or not , if you already know it don't download it , but for me I will spend my coins on ebooks on the angeclub section rather than searching on the internet , first because the author did use the method before and he is earning from it , so I can make sure it's working , also the author may support me , so I won't be having any troubles to use the method. You need to make sure that if you write an eBook with your own words , step by step , including your own proofs , it will be approved ,BUT you may not get much coins if it's known , that's why we recommend writing unique tricks so you can earn more coins.
04-03-2015, 04:59 PM
tahnxx bro for this ebook i goona check this out
04-03-2015, 05:28 PM
I am going to off anyone who refers under me 50% of my commissions back via Paypal or Bitcoin.
see here
04-05-2015, 03:50 PM
WOW over 100+ and still growing each day. But i do wish some people would post about if the eBook is written decently or not :/
Next eBook is just around the corner, this E book will detail how paidverts investing can make you serious money after the debit swap
10-20-2019, 02:11 PM
that's actually a good ebook taylora